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Feng Shui for your home

The living room Feng Shui is related to personal wealth and health, as well as the peace and happiness of the whole family . The B agua or Pakua has 9 divisions, to apply FENG SHUI in your home or office, you need to define the bagua, or the feng shui energy map, of your space. It is one of the main tools utilized in Feng Shui to analyze the energy of any given . OCEANICA HOMES INTL. REALTY offers an study of the home where we analyze how to distribute into each of the rooms on your home furniture and objects . FENG SHUI ..EL ARTE ARMONIZADOR....    VIENTO Y AGUA La casa es el reflejo de lo que ocurre en nuestro interior. E l Feng Shui ,  armoniza los espacios a través de la energía.. ORGANIZAR EL HOGAR Y FUSIONAR LOS ELEMENTOS ADECUADOS PARA CADA CUARTO DE LA CASA ayudara a encontrar el bienestar a traves del fluye de la energia . Si me envian un plano de su casa y algunas fotos del interior Oceanica les enviara sin cargo un studio del Feng Shui de su hoga

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